[The text is quite long, but you are able to glean a few details:] Feudal culture in Pays-de-la-Gloire is deeply entrenched: From the king to the dukes, to the earls, to the baron down to the dreaded bailiffs and constables, and finally to the tenant farmers and the landless serfs, no-one in this land is ever allowed to forget their place in the great chain of obligations and fealties. These obligations include fighting in the wars of one's overlord. Any chevalier who values the esteem of his peers (which is to say, all of them) will bring the best fighters he can, but since most peasants pay their rent in goods and labour, their knightly overlords often mercenaries. When they need to build a retinue of armed men to take to war, some chevaliers take the strongest and most able fighters from among their own tenants.